XML Specifications

The following table lists the <ModulePrefs> attributes that are supported on GroupDock. The ones with an * are required.

Attribute Description
title* A required string that provides title of the gadget. This title will be displayed in the App Store as well as on the users' home pages after they've installed your application. Keep it short (< 40 characters including spaces) or otherwise it will be truncated on a user's home page.
description* A required string that describes the application. You can use basic HTML tags here but you have to escape the HTML to keep the XML specification file valid XML. Here is a good website for escaping HTML for you: escapehtmlforxml.com.
thumbnail* A required string that gives the URL of the application thumbnail. This thumbnail will be used in the App Store and on the users' home pages. It should be 60 pixels by 60 pixels and follow the style of the GroupDock gadgets. See the provided example thumbnails to get inspired. PNG is the preferred format, though GIF and JPG are also acceptable.
appstore_image An optional image that will be used on your application's page on the App Store. It should be 180 pixels by 180 pixels. If you do not provide one, we will use the thumbnail instead, but it will not look as good as we'll scale it to 180x180 pixels. See the provided example thumbnails to get inspired. PNG is the preferred format, though GIF and JPG are also acceptable.
screenshot* A required string that gives the URL of a screenshot of the application. The image should be 360 pixels wide. PNG is the preferred format, though GIF and JPG are also acceptable.
author* A required string that lists the author(s) of the application.
author_email* A required string that provides the application author's email address.
author_location An optional string that provides the location (City,State,Country) of the application's author.
author_affiliation An optional string that provides the affiliation (company, organization, group...) of the application's author.
author_link An optional string that provides the URL of the author's web presence (e.g. website, twitter account, facebook account, blog)

Example Thumbnails


Example App Store Images